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Search results in category Science
Cats, Dogs and Us
Published: 05/15/2014 by Corrie Rabbe in Learning Resources
The International Fund for Animal Welfare’s (IFAW) Cats, Dogs, and Us free Animal Action education pack offers a number of lessons to help students learn about the relationship between cats, dogs, and humans around the world and the impact of that r
Migration – It’s No Vacation! Discovering Nature
Published: 08/15/2011 by by in Learning Resources
Canada is home to over 400 species of birds and almost 90 per cent of these are migratory, travelling to warmer climes during the Canadian winters.
The Night Sky
Published: 08/15/2009 by Anita Yasuda in Learning Resources
There is a wonderful classroom right above our heads-the heavens. The stars and the patterns they form called constellations, present the opportunity to teach your child about science, world cultures, mythology, and more.
There Is No “Sugar High”, The Health & Science Behind the Glycemic Index
Published: 09/24/2012 by Tristin Brisbois, PhD Canadian Sugar Institute in Learning Resources
It seems everywhere you look there is a new “diet” book or article telling us what not to eat. Low carbohydrate diets claim to be the secret to weight loss. In fact, carbohydrates (starches and sugars) are our most important source of energy and Heal
Get Your Kids Hiking
Published: 04/15/2014 by Jeff Alt in Learning Resources
Want your kids to enjoy hiking and the great outdoors? “Make it fun”, says Jeff Alt, an avid hiker. In addition to walking the 2,180-mile Appalachian Trail, he aslo walked 218-mile John Muir Trail with his wife, and trekked across a 50-mile path of I
Penguin Paradise
Published: 12/15/2011 by Margy MacMillian in Learning Resources
I land and am surrounded by penguins on the move. Chattering penguins traveling solo or in cliques, some running with wings outstretched like happy five-year-olds, others walking more sedately or tobogganing on their white stomachs.
Kitchen Lab: Edible Experiments and Other Mad Scientist Recipes
Published: 12/15/2013 by Tamara Christine Van Hooser in Learning Resources

Conducting science in your kitchen lab is an excellent vehicle for tying in cross-curricular skills such as measurement, nutrition, responsibility, and following directions, as well as kitchen safety and the scientific process.
Leaping Lemurs and Soaring Sifakas
Published: 12/15/2013 by Margy MacMillan in Learning Resources
On the northwest coast of Madagascar, north of Mahajamba Bay, deep in the territory of the Menabe Sakalava people, two distinctly different lemurs share the forests of Anjajavy with a host of other animals. The brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus) and the Co