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Education & Learning Support (17)
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Search results in category Education & Learning Support
Suggested Course of Study
Published: 09/21/2012 by Harvey & Laurie Bluedorn in Education & Learning Support
Before age ten, the child is mostly dependent upon his concrete sensory experiences for learning. He is really in an Early Knowledge Level.
Mirror Neurons and Furry Friendships
Published: 08/15/2009 by Michelle Friese, M.Ed. & Desiree Arsenault, B.Sc. in Education & Learning Support
“Be polite, don’t interrupt and put yourself in someone else’s shoes,” I like to call these kindergarten tactics. These are simple ideas that are presented and engrained into our memory as children to build character and compassion.
Classical Education
Published: 09/20/2012 by Jennifer Courtney in Education & Learning Support

When my oldest child was born a homeschooling family member handed me a book on classical home education.
Atlases & Almanacs
Published: 01/15/2008 by Donna Ward in Education & Learning Support
Are you passing on the “wonder of the world?” Here are ways to use geography tools to spice up your studies and grab those teachable moments.
Let It Go: Managing Curriculum and other School Clutter
Published: 01/15/2010 by Kelly Hipkin in Education & Learning Support
We all, as functioning family units, have the same basic stressors: bills need to be paid, house needs to be cleaned, meals need to be prepared, kids activities and some parents are even working from home.
The Power of Music
Published: 06/15/2009 by Melissa Mart in Education & Learning Support
Every teacher hopes to find interesting and innovative ways to teach and reinforce specific educational goals they have for their students. Music is one of those ways!
Impossible 2 Possible
Published: 04/15/2014 by Dr. George Agnes in Education & Learning Support
As associate dean of science at Simon Fraser University (SFU), I’ve conducted thousands of experiments in my day. But nothing prepared me for my participation in the ultimate educational experiment: observing seven youth each run 180 km of Botswana’s
Math: Imagination, Inspiration & Fun!
Published: 08/15/2007 by Susan Jarema in Education & Learning Support
I spend much of my time motivating and inspiring children to enjoy math and commit to building their “math force.”